Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gallery Show

Last week I had a piece in a gallery show. I have been working recently with 'out of focus' images and identity. I have found that working with focus controls is a lot more effective in camera as opposed to trying to reproduce it in Photoshop. The two silver panes are mirrors so you can focus on your own identity. The piece is 8' tall and 3' wide. All dirt and rust included.

Artist Statement
I have always been fascinated at how peoples Identity’s are formed. Identity is the product of how we view ourselves and how the world views us.
We look through subjective lenses, which are cluttered with the debris of different stereotypes and generalizations. Sometimes the way we focus is not always representative of who that person is, maybe it is a reflection of our own wishes, dreams and aspiration, maybe our own fears surfacing, reminding us of who we do not want to be, or want to become.
How we focus our lens on other people also gives us a sampling of how we in turn might be viewed ourselves.
But we do not know for sure, maybe the focus stays somewhat “out-of-focus”.


Michelle said...

Very cool! Wish I could have gone. Working long hours is almost up for me! :D

Griff said...

Looks very cool! I wish I could see it in person, but alas, the time and distance...

Anonymous said...

People should read this.